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Hi there! I'm Androy! I'm a Biochemist turned teacher turned educational researcher...turned blogger?


how it started: trained biochemist and untrained teacher

About 10 years ago I took a go at teaching high school chemistry as there were not enough specialist chemistry teachers going around the schools on my home island of St. Lucia. 


 I had no idea what I was doing! I was untrained and there is a vast difference between knowing the content and teaching the content! Teaching is truly an art!


However, I did notice was that there were discrepancies in the content being taught by non-specialist chemistry teachers and specialist teachers. I even started noticing some subtle and some not so subtle content errors in the text books being used and some of these were leading to misconceptions among our chemistry students.

My research in Chemistry pedagogy

About 7 years ago I embarked on a two-year research project as part of my masters dissertation with  University College London  which was focused on  the design of diagnostic tools to determine some of the struggles and misconceptions in chemistry among school aged chemistry students and the application of different teaching interventions and strategies to assist them. 


I specifically focused on  assessing the efficacy of multimedia instruction at minimizing students' misconceptions in chemical bonding. From there I delved into cognitive theory and science instruction. 


With this new knowledge I was able to restructure my teaching and resources to match up with the research.

After years of dealing with imposter syndrome , and more time on my hands since the commencement of the pandemic (and me leaving the physical classroom), I decided to make some of my research as well as the research of other educational researchers in the field more accessible to teachers. Mind Matters Pedagogy is my first attempt at doing this.


The content I create will be beneficial to all chemistry teachers but specifically non-specialist teachers who do not necessarily have a firm grasp of the theory as chemists do but who are amazing at teaching it!


If this is something you would be interested in then definitely sign up for my newsletter, that way you can stay updated with the progress of my ongoing research, my findings and  submit requests for teaching material and other resources!

Educational Research made accessible

Suggestions for Research

I'm here to serve teachers like you! I am currently compiling a list of research topics that I am excited to discuss on here! Please send me any topics you would like me to research or discuss in the field of chemistry and I will add them to the list for future blog posts!.


  • What would you like to read about?

  • What are some of the misconceptions that you have found common place in your classrooms?

  • What are some of your struggles as a chemistry teacher?


Suggestions for Future Topics

Thank You so much for your contribution!

© Mind Matters Pedagogy 2024 . All Rights Reserved


ClipArt  used in website design and logos provided by Sarah Pecorino Illustrations

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